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Minor Operations

Patients will fall asleep after administering intravenous sedation. Local anesthesia will be injected to the surgical site before the procedure. No or little discomfort will experience during the procedure.




  • Fast for 6 hours before the operation.

  • There will be a brief consultation before the operation, the procedure and the risks involved will also be explained. A consent form will also be signed beforehand.

  • Remove dentures, jewellery and metallic accessories.




Patients will fall asleep after administering intravenous sedation. There will be sterilization and injection of local anesthesia to the surgical site before the procedure. Generally, there will be no adverse reaction during the procedure. The duration depends on the operation performed.


Rest after procedure


  • Resting suite is available for patient to recover whilst the sedation is wearing off after the surgery. Family can accompany during the time.

  • Diet can be resumed once recovered from the surgery.

  • It takes about 1-2 hour(s) for the sedation to pass. Patient may experience different levels of pain and discomfort, depending on the operation and the surgical site. Doctor will prescribe painkillers and instruct the patient how to handle the wound after the surgery.


After the procedure


  • As patient is sedated, it is recommended he/she to be accompanied by family members.

  • The anaesthesia and sedation may temporarily affect your co-ordination and reasoning skills, so you should avoid driving, drinking, making important decisions or signing legal documents for 24 hours afterwards

  • The result of the biopsy will be available in 3-4 days.




Minor Operations

The above fee covers:


‬Surgeon's Fee

‭Operation Theatre Fee

‭Miscellaneous Fee




Package Price


Types of Anaesthesia

Intravenous Sedation and Local Anaesthesia (I.V.S. and L.A.)


Monitored Anaesthesia Care‭ (‬M.A.C.‭)‬

+ $2,000


The Package Price above covers Post-operative Consultation Fee (1 Session), Surgeon's Fee, Local Anaesthesia Fee, Operation Theatre Fee, Report, Pathology Free, Medication Feeand other miscellaneous charges during the procedure.


According to the patient's condition, the method of anesthesia is determined by doctor.


The price listed are for reference only. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.