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Colonoscopy preparation: How to prepare and what to expect

How to prepare and what to expect?
Intestinal tract disease
Pre-operative Preparations​

Diet plan before colonoscopy(Morning session)(Klean-Prep)

Patients should consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. Before the examination, patients will be instructed to drink liquid purgatives to wash out faeces from the colon to allow a clear endoscopic inspection of the colonic wall.
Pre-operative Preparations​

Diet plan before colonoscopy(Afternoon session)(Klean-Prep)

Patients should consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. Before the examination, patients will be instructed to drink liquid purgatives to wash out faeces from the colon to allow a clear endoscopic inspection of the colonic wall.
Pre-operative Preparations​

Diet plan before colonoscopy(Morning session)(Picoprep)

Patients should consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. Before the examination, patients will be instructed to drink liquid purgatives to wash out faeces from the colon to allow a clear endoscopic inspection of the colonic wall.
Pre-operative Preparations​

Diet plan before colonoscopy(Afternoon session)(Picoprep)

Patients should consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. Before the examination, patients will be instructed to drink liquid purgatives to wash out faeces from the colon to allow a clear endoscopic inspection of the colonic wall.
Pre-operative Preparations​