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Flexible Nasopharyngoscopy – a rapid test to identify your nasopharynx diseases


What is a nasopharyngoscopy?


The flexible nasopharyngoscopy is the endoscopic examination which the ENT doctor uses to check the nose or the velopharynx. The endoscope is a flexible telescope with a light and a video camera on the tip will pass through the nostril. The tiny video camera allows the doctor to see the inside of nose, throat and voice box. A flexible nasopharyngoscopy usually takes about five minutes.




Do I need a nasopharyngoscopy?


A flexible nasopharyngoscopy will be advised when patients are suffering from the symptoms in the nose or throat including recurrent nosebleeds, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, suspected nasal cancer, foreign body in nose or throat, oral cancer, laryngeal disease, swallowing problems, and obstructive sleep apnea.




Preparation and diagnosis


Your ENT doctor will administer the local anaesthesia to prevent any pain during the procedure.


The patient will be asked to sit upright with a headrest behind the head. As the local anaesthesia starts working within a few minutes, the doctor will gently insert the endoscope into one of the nostrils.


During the test, the patient may be asked to perform several movements including swallowing saliva or poking out the tongue. It could help the doctor to assess the abnormalities in the nose or throat. Biopsies may be taken for a laboratory test.




Assessment of nasopharyngoscopy


The nasopharyngoscopy can provide information to evaluate the function or dysfunction of velopharynx and identify the causes of symptoms in the nose or throat. A repeat nasopharyngoscopy may be advised if patient feels the symptoms are persist or getting worse.




*The above information is for reference only, please consult your doctor for detail.