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Is Eating Fish Can Prevent From Getting A Goitre?


The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. When the thyroid is its normal size, people cannot feel it. A goitre refers to an abnormally large thyroid gland. It can be the swollen gland or the presence of multiple growths or nodules on the gland.






The symptoms of the goitre can include enlargement of the throat and swallowing problems. The size of the goitre can range from a small lump to a huge mass. The degree of swelling and the severity of symptoms produced by the goitre can vary from person to person. If the goitre is large enough, it can constrict the trachea and cause breathing problems.






The most common cause of goitre is iodine deficiency. It is one of the leading causes of hypothyroidism and associates with metabolic disorders.


For hypothyroidism, patients usually feel depressed, fatigue and weak, constipated and even gain weight despite their poor appetite. It is because their thyroid is underactive, and produces too little thyroid hormone.


Goitre can also develop if the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces too much thyroid hormones. For hyperthyroidism, patients suffer from anxiety, rapid heart rate, diarrhoea, and weight loss.


Sometimes, the thyroid gland is enlarged because of the thyroid cancer. Risk factors include the persistent enlargement of the thyroid gland, patients with family history, and too much radiation exposure can lead to the development of cancer.




Iodine deficiency


Iodine is an important mineral. The recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 mcg per day for most adults. As iodine is less commonly found in plants, vegan diets may lack sufficient iodine. However, there are some iodine-rich food sources that can help prevent a deficiency, such as seaweed, cod, dairy, iodized salt, shrimp, tuna, eggs, prunes, and lima beans.


Although seafood can be a good source of iodine, citizens should pay attention to the presence of heavy metals or mercury in fish and other types of seafood. Typically, larger fish will have higher amounts of mercury, as well as other toxins.






When the patient has a goitre, doctor will usually do some blood tests to check the level of thyroxine (T4). Furthermore, doctor may advice either a normal ultrasound scan of neck or a radioactive iodide uptake scan.





If the patient is suffering from iodine-induced hypothyroidism, then the regular consumption of iodide salt can protection from goitre.


On the other hand, if the patient has an overactive thyroid gland, he/she can take thinoamides that help reduce the amount of thyroid hormones produced by thyroid gland. However, if goitre causes sensations of choking or breathing difficulty, doctor may advise to have part of the thyroid gland removed by surgery.






Information provided above is only for understanding of health. If you suspect that might have a thyroid problem or hormonal imbalances, you should consult the doctor at the earliest.




*The above information is for reference only, please consult your doctor for detail.