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Can throat lozenges treat chronic pharyngitis?


Chronic pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the back of the throat. Studies showed that in northern China, about 40 percent of Chinese people have chronic pharyngitis. The symptoms may also flux with seasonal changes.


What causes chronic pharyngitis?


Many health issues can cause a chronic pharyngitis, including recurrent acute pharyngitis, long-term exposure to dust, mucus and fluid to back up in the throat due to the sinus infection, smoking and alcohol, and allergic rhinitis. It also can be caused by certain diseases, such as anaemia, diabetes, liver cirrhosis and chronic nephritis.





Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis include discomfort or pain in the throat, cough, hoarseness, a tickling sensation in the throat, a sensation of something stuck in the throat, difficulty swallowing. Patients may feel worse when yelling, talking too much or eating foods that can aggravate the symptoms.



Can throat lozenges treat chronic pharyngitis?


Throat lozenges are the best choice for all people. Some lozenges with traditional Chinese medicine, others with western herbal extracts. The traditional Chinese medicine throat lozenges is cooling and aromatic that works quickly at soothing the throat and easing itchiness and pain. 

Throat lozenges, however, cannot treat chronic pharyngitis. And over-reliance on throat lozenges may kill the germs in the mouth, impact the internal environment, and even causes the imbalance in the oral flora. 




Citizens are recommended to drink more water, avoid stuff like very spicy foods and acidic foods, alcohol, caffeine, and strong tea.


*The above information is for reference only, please consult your doctor for detail.