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Breast problems and breast cancer: Should you worry?


Common breast problems include breast lumps, breast pain and nipple discharge. Many women are alarmed and think of breast cancer when they discover any discomfort in their breasts. And in fact, most breast problems are caused by physiological changes.


Sore breasts before period


Most women experience some degree of cyclical pain in the week before the menstrual cycle. This is a physiological condition caused by hormone level changes and no treatment is required. Simple painkillers can be used if necessary.




Fibroadenosis is a common condition characterized with diffuse pain, swelling and lumpiness in both breasts. The symptoms are usually more severe before menses and subside when menstruation ends. No treatment is required except simple painkillers for symptomatic relief if necessary.




Fibroadenomas are solid tissue growths. A small sample of tissue (biopsy) can be taken from the breast lump using a fine needle for further examination. If the tissue and cells are not cancerous, the lesion can be observed. Surgery may be required if the fibroadenoma is large or growing in size.





Cysts are not cancer. Imaging study is needed to differentiate simple cysts from complex cysts. Complex cysts need biopsy to confirm the tissue type. If the simple cyst causes pain, it can be aspirated with a fine needle. The cyst will disappear after this procedure but may appear again, so regular self-examination is advised.



Nipple Discharge


Tumour of the pituitary gland in the brain can secrete the hormone prolactin which stimulates nipple discharge. Certain medicines such as some oral contraceptive pills, psychiatric drugs and blood pressure lowering drugs may also cause nipple discharge, which will stop when the medicine is discontinued. Purulent discharge together with redness and pain can be caused by infection of the breast glands (mastitis). Blood-stained discharge should be promptly investigated to exclude cancer.


Breast cancer


When cells in the mammary gland divide and proliferate in an uncontrolled way, they may eventually develop into tumours. Breast cancer is a malignant tumour developed in the breast. Although the exact causes of breast cancer have not been found, we understand that certain risk factors are linked to the disease. A risk factor for breast cancer is something that affects your chance of getting the disease. According to the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry Report No.9, the risk factors that 14,905 local breast cancer patients share are:


  • 77.7% lacked exercise( they had less than 3 hours of exercise each week)
  • 65.8% had no breastfeeding
  • 38.6% were overweight or obese
  • 37.1% were under high level of stress (>50% of time)



We encourage women to perform regular breast screening. A breast screening programme should include self-breast examination, clinical breast examination and mammography screening so as to be familiar with breast changes and detect breast cancer at early stage.


*The above information is for reference only, please consult your doctor for detail.