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| info@specialists.hk | 3405 8288 |
Day Procedure Centre Licence: DP000305

Medical Information

HPV virus | Both men and women can be infected with HPV human papillomavirus. Call for vaccination. (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Can eating pineapple prevent vaginitis? Gynecologists dismantle 5 ways to prevent candida infection + myths(Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Pelvic Inflammation | You can get pelvic inflammation at any age! Severe cases can lead to infertility.(Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Premenstrual syndrome | Premenstrual syndrome makes people feel depressed and restless. (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


60% of women have suffered from urethritis! What are the causes of urethritis + treatment and prevention methods(Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology
