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Medical Information

How to deal with the common and difficult urethritis? Related to gonorrhea? Are pregnant women more risky? (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Premenstrual syndrome | Irritability and headaches before menstruation? Can eating nuts improve your condition? (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Will ovarian cysts affect fertility? Is surgery required? (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Causes, symptoms and myths of HPV infection in one article! Can HPV be transmitted through sexual intercourse? (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology


Is the 5-digit body check worth the money? How high is the risk of not getting checked? (Chinese only)

Dr. Tse Sin Ying - Gynaecology
